TWAS-ROLAC Young Scientist Prize
The TWAS-ROLAC Prize is a recognition of contributions made by active young researchers in Latin America and the Caribbean. The prize of US$ 2,00, usually includes a trip to Rio de Janeiro to attend the annual inauguration ceremony for new members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. On the occasion the awardees will be invited to make a presentation of their works. A candidate can be proposed by a TWAS Fellow, an Associate Fellow, also individual candidates may submit their own application. The candidates must be 40 years old or less.
Nominations must be made by email to [email protected] (Subject: Young Scientist Prize), including:
• Brief exposition of the reasons that justify the nomination
• Curriculum Vitae of the candidate, including the list of publications
• Nomination form completed in all its parts, in English.
• Preferably, letters of recommendation from international experts should also be included.
The announcement for the Prize, dead line, and area of science are informed every year.