TWAS Research and Advanced Training Fellowship: 2016 Call for Applications

Partner Organizations: TWAS-ROLAC

1 October 2016

TWAS, the academy of sciences for the developing world,, is now accepting applications for the TWAS Research and Advanced Training Fellowship programme.

The fellowships are offered to scientists from developing countries and are tenable at centres of excellence in various developing countries.

Eligible fields include one or more of the following: agricultural and biological sciences, medical and health sciences, chemistry, engineering, astronomy, space and earth sciences, mathematics and physics.

Women scientists are especially encouraged to apply.

Fellowships for Latin American students

Partner Organizations: CONICET Becas Latinoamericanas

Deadline for applications: March and September 2016

Destinadas a postulantes extranjeros y que se encuentren residiendo en un país latinoamericano en el momento de solicitar la beca.

Cronograma y Evaluación (Habrá dos 2 períodos de convocatoria por año):

• Del 1 al 10 de marzo, para aquellas becas que se inician el 1º de septiembre del mismo año.

• Del 1 al 10 de septiembre, para aquellas becas que se inician el 1º de abril del del año siguiente.

Las solicitudes deberán contener la propuesta de un director y lugar de trabajo en la Argentina y un codirector en el país de origen. Asimismo, deberán estar avaladas por el organismo con el cual el CONICET tiene convenio. En el caso de postulantes provenientes de paìses con los cuales el CONICET no posee convenios, podrán remitir el aval de la Universidad donde se graduó el candidato.

El postulante deberá completar sus datos personales y antecedentes para realizar su solicitud de beca a través de SIGEVA (Sistema Integral de Gestión y Evaluación), manteniéndose la obligación de presentar un ejemplar impreso y firmado. Para realizar su solicitud de beca electrónica deberá registrarse como usuario de la Intranet de CONICET.

Los postulantes beneficiados con la beca no podrán ingresar a la República Argentina sin realizar los trámites migratorios que requiere la legislación vigente.

TWAS Affiliated Membership 2016 - Nominations

Partner Organizations: TWAS-ROLAC

15 March 2016

Kindly read the information overleaf prior to completing the form.

• A candidate can be proposed by a TWAS Fellow, an Associate Fellow or individual candidates should submit their own application.

• The candidates must be 40 years old or less by January 1sty 2016.

• The attached nomination form is to be completed in all its parts.

• The deadline for receipt of forms is March 15st 2016.

• Complete forms and enquiries should be directed to: [email protected]

• Nominations must be submitted in the following format: aff_SURNAME_initial, eg aff_SILVA_m.doc

1. Only those Young Scientists who have attained high international standard and have made significant contributions to the advancement of science will be considered as a candidate for TWAS Affiliated Members.

2. The nomination for TWAS Affiliated Membership is a distinction and recognition for Talented Young Scientists who have their origin in

Latin America and the Caribbean.

3. The TWAS Affiliated Member may participate in TWAS meetings and seminars promoted by TWAS / TWAS ROLAC, we expect that he/she collaborates with scientific information to TWAS ROLAC website, and contribute to the development of the scientific community in the Region.

4. The Affiliated membership will be for a period of 5 (five) years non- renewable.

5. In In cases of omission, decisions will be made by the designated committee, and will be final.

6. To ensure geographical balance, the Committee will avoid nominating more than one candidate from the same country, but respecting the quality of the CVs, independently of the country.

2016 Call for applications for the OWSD Postgraduate Fellowships

Partner Organizations: OWSD

Deadline for applications: 31 May 2016

Each year OWSD offers talented women scientists from developing countries the opportunity to study for a PhD in a science subject at an excellent research institute in a developing country. Candidates can choose between the full-time option (3 years) at a host institute (not in their home country), or the sandwich (part-time) option which allows them to enroll for a PhD in their home country and undertake a research visit of at least 6 months in a laboratory or institute abroad.

Funds are available for the period the student is at the host institute only. Costs covered can include travel to the host country, tuition fees, board, accommodation and living expenses.

See the link for more information on the application procedure, eligibility criteria and for downloading the application form. The only eligible country for applicants in the LAC Region is Haiti - a country from which OWSD did not receive any application so far and thus should be targeted.

TWAS is seeking nominations for the TWAS 2016 Prizes

Partner Organizations: TWAS-ROLAC

29 February 2016

The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) – for the advancement of science in developing countries is seeking nominations for the TWAS 2016 Prizes.

The TWAS Prizes are awarded yearly to individual scientists from developing countries in recognition of an outstanding contribution to scientific knowledge in a field of science of the Academy and/or to the application of science and technology to sustainable development. The outstanding contribution may be defined in relation to existing opportunities and realistic possibilities available to the candidate. This applies particularly to candidates from scientifically disadvantaged countries.

The TWAS 2016 Prizes will awarded in the following nine fields of sciences: Agricultural Sciences, Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Engineering Sciences, Mathematics, Medical Sciences, Physics and Social Sciences. Each prize carries a monetary award of US$ 15,000 and a plaque.

Candidates for the TWAS Prizes must be individual scientists who have been working and living in a developing country for at least ten years immediately prior to their nomination. Members of TWAS and candidates for TWAS membership are not eligible for TWAS Prizes.

Further details on eligibility criteria and submission procedure are available online where the nomination forms can be downloaded.

Please especially consider women scientists and candidates from scientifically lagging countries.

TWAS/BioVisionAlexandria.Nxt 2016

Partner Organizations: TWAS/BioVisionAlexandria

Deadline for applications: 1 January 2016

Call for applications

TWAS/BVA.NXT 2016 will be the fourth BioVisionAlexandira.NXT to be organized in Alexandria. The Event will be held under the theme “Research Ethics and Social Responsibility”. TWAS/BVA.NXT 2016 intends to explore research ethics in the developing world, and highlight its importance for society. It will also identify researchers’ responsibilities to overcome obstacles in developing countries using quality controlled and high standard research.

The Event will be held 10–11 April 2016, where TWAS/BVA.NXT 2016 participants will be offered the opportunity to meet other young scientists and professionals from different parts of the world. This will allow them to share their views regarding the status, obstacles and concerns of ethical research in developing countries. They will also be offered the chance to discuss different problems regarding marketing of ideas, tools for efficient patent searches and Intellectual Property Rights. The best ten young scientists will have the opportunity to present their innovative ideas and their impact on the development of societies. Furthermore, the young scientists will be invited to participate in BioVisionAlexandria Conference.

Priority will be given to the best innovative research, and to research papers that meet the needs of the society.

18st TWAS-ROLAC Young Scientists Conference

Partner Organizations: TWAS-ROLAC and Brazilian Academy of Sciences

4 and 5 November 2015

The “18st TWAS-ROLAC Young Scientists Conference”, will take place in Rio de Janeiro, from November 4th to 5th , 2015 at the Brazilian Academy of Sciences.

The general aim of this Conference is to bring together a group of the most talented young researchers pursuing research in the interconnected areas with biology.

Nowadays the biology cross-talk with different sciences, for instance: engineering, physics, mathematics. This interaction contributes to open the concepts in biology using tools from other areas what permits derivations of applications of new knowledge and disrupt the frontiers of it science.

This meeting aims to put together young scientists from Latin American and Caribbean region to foster collaborations and the exchange of expertise.

Organization of Vivaldo Moura Neto and invited co-organizers: Debora Foguel and Flavia Carvalho Alcantara Gomes

The Elsevier Foundation Awards for Early-Career Women Scientists in the Developing World

Partner Organizations: OWSD

Deadline: 15 September 2015

Launched in 2012 by The Elsevier Foundation, TWAS and OWSD, the Awards reward and encourage women working and living in developing countries in the early stages of their scientific careers. Awardees must have made a demonstrable impact on the research environment both at a regional and international level and have often overcome great challenges to achieve research excellence.

A total of five Awards are given annually to five women scientists at relatively early stages in their careers (up to ten years after receiving their PhD). One woman is awarded for each of five regions in the developing world: Latin America and the Caribbean; East and South-East Asia and the Pacific; the Arab region; Central and South Asia; and Sub-Saharan Africa (see complete list of countries below).

The award has an important impact on local research cultures. Previous winners say the awards have had a powerful effect, enhancing the visibility of their past work and creating new opportunities for the future. The awardees are powerful role models for young women who are contemplating whether to remain in an environment that is often hostile to their needs and experience.

The Awards rotate annually between disciplines (this year nominations are for the biological sciences, including agriculture and medicine). Each winner receives a cash prize of USD 5,000 and an all-expenses-paid trip to attend the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting (in 2016 the awardees will travel to Washington D.C.) Lasting 5 days, the event is packed with networking opportunities. The winners receive their award at a special networking ceremony, as well as invitations to mentoring and science communication workshops, a visit to a local laboratory, and a celebratory dinner organised by the Elsevier Foundation.

The 2016 award is in the Biological Sciences. For a full list of eligible subjects please see the nominations form below. The deadline for nominations is 15 September 2015.

TWAS Science Diplomacy workshop on Sustainable Water Management, Trieste, Italy

Partner Organizations: Fondazione Internazionale Trieste (FIT)

Deadline: 16 August 2015

TWAS is inviting young scientists from the developing world, as well as policymakers and diplomats with a science portfolio, to apply to attend a TWAS Science Diplomacy workshop on Sustainable Water Management to be held in Trieste from 30 November to 4 December.

The workshop will expose participants to some key contemporary international policy issues relating to science diplomacy and sustainable water management, including the use of shared rivers and underground aquifers, cross-border pollution issues, safe drinking water, etc. Keynote presentations will set the scene and allow participants to develop their own projects in breakout groups. A visit to a local water purification plant is also being planned.

Those interested in participating are requested to read the guidelines before submitting their application.

Applications can only be accepted via the online form which will be available until midnight (Central European Summer Time) of 16 August 2015.

Successful candidates will be contacted by early September.

TWAS-CNPq Postgraduate Fellowship Programme

Partner Organizations: Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Deadline: 24 August 2015

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brasilia, Brazil, and TWAS offer up to 50 (30 sandwich and 20 full time) postgraduate fellowships each year to young scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) who wish to pursue research towards a PhD in natural sciences.

TWAS-CNPq Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme

Partner Organizations: Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development

Deadline: 24 August 2015

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) in Brasilia, Brazil, and TWAS offer up to 10 postdoctoral fellowships each year to young scientists from developing countries (other than Brazil) who wish to pursue postdoctoral research in natural sciences.

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